Monday, July 19, 2010

Gardening on the Cheap

I was reading an issue of Organic Gardening the other day, and I came across an article about a couple who set out to see what the could get out of their garden spending only $75.oo. The results were astonishing. For a few cents under budget they produced 796 pounds of food! With a little money and a lot of creative thinking, this couple had a wonderful garden that didn't break that bank and made several friends along the way. Here are some of the tips they shared:

* Check online. Try for local freebies in your area, craigslist under free barter, and farm-garden categories and go to's seed exchange forum for trading seeds.

* Barter and Trade with friends. Exchange your help and services for help with projects wich require an extra hand or a truck, for example.

*Use what is available on your property. Tree trunks can be used to make raised beds and brush and branches can become plant supports and trellises. Bamboo is also good for this.

*The grocery store is a great source for cardboard( mulch your walkways) and small containers( seed starters)

*Share the cost of expensive tools or equipment and share with your neighbors. You can also go in on seed orders and split it.

*Offer your skills or labor to a local farmer or CSA in exchange for seedlings or produce.

* Organize a seed swap with your local gardening club or exchange seedlings, cuttings and bulbs.

* Pay it forward and donate any extras you may have to local schools or community gardens.

It's activities like these that build strong communities and friendships. It's also important to involve our children, schools and youth organizations in these activities as well.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Got My Submission Video Ready for the Pepsi Refresh Everything Grant Program

I got my submission video ready and uploaded to you-tube. Next month I am going to apply for the grant, so I will update when the voting starts. I am so excited about the opportunity to make my lifelong dream a reality on a bugger level than I ever imagined. I look forward to meeting new people, forming friendships, educating our youth , learning, getting my hands into the many things! I have a couple of folks interested in being a part of this, both of which have excellent skill-sets to add to the community:) I hope that I can rally a tremendous amount of support to make this into a reality. Thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for supporting me. Voting will be every day for two weeks....each person can vote up to ten times per day. There are lots of great project ideas up for voting. Please circulate the video after you check it out and get everyone on board! Everyone have a fantastic day!

here's the link to my video: copy&paste