Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Finally I'm Back :)

After a very long absence, I am finally back :) So much has gone on in my life since my last post.....mostly hard times, but i's okay now, and things are looking up :) We don't have an eco-village yet, but our dream is very much alive. I gave up on getting a submission in to the Pepsi Grant program, anyway, nothing that comes easy is really as appreciated as something you gotta work hard for ;) So as it stands, the hubby just got a good one he's had in the past 12 years. It's not a high paying job, but it's enough and it's dependable and secure with benefits and that means a lot to us. I babysit and I also run two online shops (shameless plug here, guys)

.....and I make jewelry and such:

but point is that we will most likely try to find a place close to his job for on it over the next 5 years ie install solar, plant orchards, make improvements and additions to increase it'e resale value. While we do this, we'd like to be paying on a larger piece of land where we would eventually settle down.

In the meantime, we'll just keep plugging along towards our goals. I've been working on some models in google sketchup and hopefully I can figure out how to post them on here soon. For now, I'll just post about what's going on at the moment and we'll see how it unfolds....

It's a beautiful day outside today, so I think it will be a good day to work in the yard :D